Innovative Fertility accepting insurance 3500 N Sepulveda Blvd #130, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

Get Support for Mother’s Day and Infertility

Find the support you need for Mother’s Day and infertility The focus on motherhood in May can be overwhelming for those trying to conceive without success. Our Manhattan Beach fertility center doctor understands that dealing with Mother’s Day and infertility can make you feel sad and discouraged. However, we want you to know that we […]

Dealing with Holiday Stress

Dealing with Infertility’s Disappointment During the Holidays When ‘All You Want for Christmas’ is a BFP (big fat positive), another failed cycle can leave a lump (of coal) in your throat. Dealing with infertility takes super-human strength, patience and resolve, especially in a month centered on children and miracles. The staff at Innovative Fertility Center […]